Investment Banking

Our investment banking specialists are known as much for the quality of our ideas as for the innovative strategies and tailor-made solutions we devise. We provide seamless and excellent products, services and research solutions, all backed by the capital strength and integrity of the bank. We offer a wide range of investment banking products and services, including advice on on and off-balance sheet funding, mergers and acquisitions, divestment and acquisition defense strategies, and debt and equity offerings. Our Investment Banking arm includes the following services;

Financing Services through Debt Instruments

We offer solutions to our customers' financing needs with alternative products to loans. Our debt instruments services include a range of brokerage and advisory services, from simple brokerage transactions for issuers in need of financing, to structured finance products, collateralized debt instruments, off-balance sheet financing products, foreign exchange hedging and derivatives, and debt management advisory.

In addition to conventional loan-like products with a repayment obligation by our financing client on a specific date, we offer a complete range of products combining banking and capital markets in the provision of financing through the design of other financing products whose repayment is entirely based on a cash flow and the sale of all these products in Turkey and abroad.

  • Bonds
  • Financing Bonds
  • Eurobond
  • Asset Backed Securities
  • Asset-Covered Securities
  • Lease Certificates (Sukuk)

Financing Services through Public Offerings

Equity solutions such as equity, convertible bonds and subordinated financing are also offered for our corporate client base.

We provide both brokerage and advisory services to our clients who need long-term equity-type financing to finance an investment, in order for their companies to go public and obtain financing.

Prior to the public offering, the Bank provides step-by-step project design and management of the process from the preparation of the Company for the capital market and regulations to the public offering of the shares. Within this framework, the Bank provides brokerage and consultancy services in all legal and financial transactions required for going public and becoming a publicly traded company, as well as in the management of investor relations before and after the public offering, and in the follow-up of public disclosure obligations arising from the public offering.

Mergers and Acquisitions

The Investment Banking team supports various institutions and organizations in their strategic decision-making processes on mergers and acquisitions. Our M&A team has extensive expertise in domestic and international mergers and acquisitions, as well as very complex transactions. We also advise on mergers, acquisitions, spin-offs, partial and full sales, leveraged buyouts, privatizations, restructuring and takeover defense.

Sell-Side Advisory: Hedef Investment Bank represents sellers of private businesses and corporate clients seeking to divest business units or assets. In the sell-side advisory role, we provide trusted services through our awareness of each potential buyer's business strategies; assertive control over the auction process; hands-on due diligence management; and the ability to identify and communicate key value drivers in the business, such as skillful negotiation skills.  

Buy-Side Advisory: Hedef Investment Bank works to enable companies to realize their growth objectives, categorizing potential targets, building financial and integration models, developing corporate finance solutions and negotiating on behalf of our client.  

Company Valuations: Industry-specific information is required to estimate the market value of a business, asset or product chain. Our research and finance experts utilize the analytical tools necessary for valuation work, which builds a strong foundation in our buy-side and sell-side advisory. We closely monitor all announced acquisitions and comparable transactions on a daily basis, organizing them into classifications for specific industry sectors and segments.

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